Love Your Image Blogspot – News and Updates

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“The photos got inside my head”!

“The photos got inside my head”!

The photos got inside my head! Yes this is something I heard very recently - "the photos got inside my head"! So my last blog was on what we think of ourselves when we look in the mirror, or see ourselves in a photograph. Following on from this, I heard an interesting...

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Is video creation right for you?

Is video creation right for you?

‘Let’s all create videos and be seen.' ‘Let's all create videos and be seen’. But how do you know if video creation is right for you and how do you get started? Others are better placed than I to advise on whether video creation is best for you and your business, but...

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Social media, advertising and our self-esteem

Social media, advertising and our self-esteem

Social media, advertising and our self-esteem. Powerful influences, invisible by their constant visibility! If you have phones, tablets, computers and TVs, you’re exposed to advertising and social media.  Yes, we can create ‘free’ accounts on all the various...

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Is judgement human nature or a choice?

Is judgement human nature or a choice?

Is judgement human nature or a choice? Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me… or do they ...? Cue the suit of armour!  We all do it, but we hate when it’s done to us. Judgement is everywhere - we all have opinions on a lot of things...

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