Is judgement human nature or a choice?

Is judgement human nature or a choice?

Is judgement human nature or a choice? Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me… or do they …? Cue the suit of armour!  We all do it, but we hate when it’s done to us. Judgement is everywhere – we all have opinions on a lot of...
Culture shock photography!

Culture shock photography!

Does the culture and society we live in affect our attitude towards being photographed? Does the culture and society we live in affect our attitude towards being photographed? Here in the UK, we live in what is considered a modern civilised society. We are a developed...
Body parts in photographs!

Body parts in photographs!

I could have made this article sound like an autopsy, with a heading on ‘body parts in photographs’!   To some of us, a particular part of our anatomy can be a bit like ‘the elephant in the room’. When having a camera pointed at us, or investing in a...