Have you ever had your photograph de-constructed?
Well why would you… unless you don’t like what you see?
What’s really going on in a photograph? Last year I wrote a blog on this subject to deconstruct what brings a photograph together. This broke down the various elements to explain why we don’t see beyond what’s directly in front of us. This is particularly relevant if you don’t like getting in front of a camera and think a poor result is all your fault.
If you haven’t already read it, I’m sharing a link to that blog again:
What’s really going on in a photograph?
It’s all about a good conversation.
Recent conversations brought last years observations to mind and worthy of adding another angle on the subject (pun intended). An image is essentially the result of a conversation, or communication between two parties. The success of the photo/s depends on the quality of that connection. Both sides of the conversation would like a good outcome that shows in the results, for their own agendas. But they both have to give the other something to achieve that.
Let’s assume for a moment that the technical side is all good and ok when capturing the image.
However, there still needs a good rapport going in order to get the engagement and guarantee great results. As in a normal conversation, if one always dominates and doesn’t consider or understand the others needs or point of view then the connection may not achieve the results you’d hope for.
Equate this to taking a photograph:
Person being photographed:
- Do you feel comfortable with the photographer?
- Do they talk you through the process and put you at ease?
- Do they give you confidence, that enables you to trust you’ll get good results?
- Do you feel out of control?
- How closely do you observe your subject?
- Do you know what you’re looking for and how to get it?
- Do you start a conversation and keep it going?
- Are you able to recognise if your subject is feeling anxious?
Let’s add another consideration…
This is not a professional shoot and someone has their phone camera out. This is traditionally where any conversation ends. There is also unlikely to be any guidance on the assumption you know how to stand/sit/smile. The photographer is intent on looking at their phone and before you know it… the photograph is taken. You are left with no idea how that image looks and perhaps a feeling of apprehension of its result. The photographer doesn’t see this through the same eyes as you.
If you express your feelings of “do we have to do this?” – it can be met with “you’ll be fine – don’t worry about it”.
So, you can now understand a bit more of what really goes on in a photograph, whether you are being captured, or, you are the one taking the photograph. If you want great results, start with great engagement with those you have in your camera site 🙂
The YouTube channel continues to have things added to it. There will be another series of top tips soon, leading up to the Christmas period to help you when the cameras are out – Love Your Image on You Tube